At this moment in time I am keen that my voice is heard, my deep and unswerving love for my country noted and with it my wish for all of our artistic and musical communities to finally work together for the greater good and future of the arts and music. South Africa should be shouting to the heavens and beyond about its musicians, with some of our greatest talents taking the world by storm, Most recently Abel Selaocoe (cellist, composer and singer) and Masabane Cecilia Rangwanasha (soprano)……the list goes on.
Mzansi National Philharmonic Orchestra currently has eight cadets enrolled in the National Cadetship Programme, which has been implemented in recognition of the limited representation of black musicians and increasing demand for South African musicians in the pool of present and future professional musicians in South African orchestras.
The Orchestra currently has three fellows who are music students at international schools, receiving financial and artistic support from the Mzansi Philharmonic. When not abroad, these individuals also perform as members of the Orchestra from time to time. They are all artists who have shown distinction in their field, great promise as professional musicians, and are all an important part of South Africa’s future.